Commercial solutions
Nursing homes & Retirement homes
Since the heatwave of 2003, both public and private organisations running nursing and retirement homes have been looking for passive alternatives to improve summer comfort.
Our ceiling fans offer an economical, effective and easy-to-install alternative, all without affecting the building. What’s more, they can be used in conjunction with other cooling solutions.
The Exhale model is particularly well-suited to this type of environment, as it is both silent and discreet, and operates in an omnidirectional air pattern that is comfortable for occupants.
1 – Testimonials
Testimony from the director of the Bellevue retirement home in Decazeville
“Exhale has significantly improved our comfort in both summer and winter and also solved our low ceiling problem thanks to its 18cm thickness.”
Testimony of the director of the Sénioriales retirement home
« Ces équipements sont parfaitement adaptés pour les locaux occupés par des personnes âgées dans la mesure où le ventilateurs de plafond Exhale diffuse l’air à l’horizontal à 360 degrés. L’air glisse le long du plafond évitant toute sensation de courants d’air froids directionnels sur les occupants.
Les occupants apprécient particulièrement son fonctionnement silencieux et discret (pas d’effet stroboscopique) »
2 – Feedback from the town of Voiron
3 – Our other projects
- EHPAD La Tourmaline (38) 10 Rue Alban et Emilienne Fagot, 38500 Voiron
- EHPAD Les Balcons de Tivoli, 148 Av. de Tivoli, 33110 Le Bouscat
- EHPAD Marie Thérèse, 277 Bd Raspail, 75014 Paris
- Résidence Seniors, Les jardins d’Arcadie, 92
- Ehpad Les Jasmins, Bron 69
- Les Senioriales Cannes 06
- X2 EHPAD Groupe Colisée
- Groupe Orpéa
4 – Exhale installation tutorial
5 – Accessories: Fixing rods & remote controls
2 wall-mounted remote control variants (220V wired or battery-powered).
With programmer 1-2-4-8H

- One wall-mounted remote control can control up to 7 ceiling fans
- To enable easy pairing of wall-mounted remote controls, we strongly suggest that you equip each room with a circuit breaker, a fuse, a switch or a junction box dedicated to all the air blowers in that room.